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Speech, Occupational, & Physical Therapy for Children 

Serving schools, families, and children ages birth to 18 years in the North Carolina foothills region since 2008. 


Wood Therapy Services has provided early intervention and school contract speech and language services for almost two decades. We are excited to now offer private speech, language, occupational, and physical therapy and evaluations for children and their families.

We serve clients in Rutherford, Cleveland, Lincoln, Burke, Catawba, Polk, Gaston counties in NC. We will also add Bladen County, NC, during summer 2022.

Our experienced team of SLPs, OTs, PTs, and therapy assistants provide private speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy services for children ages birth to 18 years of age in our Shelby, NC clinic, as well as in clients’ homes, at daycares, and other community locations. Speech and language therapy is also offered online.


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Speech and Language Therapy

Wood Therapy Services offers private speech and language therapy and evaluations to children ages birth to 18 years old in our clinic, in-home, and in the community. We also work with the Children Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) in Rutherford, Cleveland, Polk, Lincoln, Gaston, Burke, and Catawba counties to provide services to children through the NC Infant Toddler Program.

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Occupational Therapy 

Wood Therapy Services offers pediatric occupational therapy for children ages birth to 18 years old in our clinic, in-home, in daycares, and in other community environments. When children join us in our Shelby, NC clinic, they are also invited to receive therapy in our sensory gym. Our occupational therapist addresses sensory integration, fine and gross motor skills, self-help and play skills, and so much more!

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Physical Therapy

Wood Therapy Services offers physical therapy for kids in our Shelby clinic. Our pediatric physical therapist is experienced in working with children ages birth to 18 years old in our clinic, in-home, and in the community. PT for gross motor delays, physical injury, recovery from surgery, and neurological conditions will be tailored to your child's unique needs. 

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School Contract Services

Wood Therapy Services offers contract speech-language pathologists, speech-language pathology assistants, occupational therapists, and occupational therapy assistants to school systems throughout NC. Our experienced team provides speech and occupational therapy, performs evaluations and screenings, writes comprehensive evaluation reports and IEPs, and participates in and leads IEP meetings.



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Shana W. Price, M.S., CCC-SLP

Shana started Wood Therapy Services in 2008 in response to her local school district’s needs for high-quality speech-language pathologists and speech-language pathology assistants.  She has provided school-based contract speech and language therapy for over a decade while continuing private speech and language therapy services during the summer.  Shana brings over 18 years of experience to Wood Therapy Services.

Wood Therapy Services

Tel: 704-473-1675

Fax:  980-701-0008


270 Conifer Way, Shelby, NC 28150


1607 East Dixon Blvd Shelby, NC 28152

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Speech, occupational, and physical therapy services are available in Cleveland, Rutherford, Polk, Catawba, Lincoln, Burke, Bladen, and Gaston counties in North Carolina, Clinic services are only in Shelby, NC at this time.

©2023 Wood SLP Services, Inc. Created by Cued Creative

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